Vida Colorado

#4: Costa Rica

                                   [won-der-luhst]  noun a strong, innate desire to rove or travel about     By the summer of 2006, I had caught the disease, if one could call it that.  I didn’t know there was a term for it… […]

#3: Morocco

Morocco has the distinction of being the only country to which I’ve arrived by sea. It was just a short jaunt out of Algeciras, Spain to Tangier, the ancient Phoenician trading port turned crowded a,nd polluted mess that it is today. I did not see the side of Morocco featured in Casablanca, a place of […]

#2: Spain.

  “I have long believed that any man interested in either mystic or romantic aspects of life must sooner or later define his attitude concerning Spain.” James Michener. Iberia. Among all of the countries of the world, Spain stands for me altogether separate. The affections and thoughts stirred in me when I think of Spain are bigger […]

#1: The Dominican Republic.

In search of Cipangu and a western route to Asia for the Spanish crown, Espanola was among the first strange islands where Christopher Columbus made landfall in 1492.  Many Europeans believed at the time that Eden itself laid in the far eastern reaches of the Earth, and to get there one could sail west. Columbus was […]

The Bucket List Project

What is “The Bucket List” Project?Over the course of the next several months. I’ll be posting a short story about several countries. They are all places I’ve been, some for just a short time, and longer for others. I’ll be listing them in chronological order of when I went, spanning over the last decade or […]


Photographing my beautiful wife, Jenn during Death Valley’s “Superbloom” – Photo Credit: Greg Manthei Overview: What originally started as a forum for ideas of politics, religion and all things controversial (see my introduction to the blog six years ago here) has since become much more (or less?). In April of 2016, I decided the disparity […]


I often wish that I painted more. I am not very good at it, but since I have some semblance of an idea as to how, I believe I should at least try. Through my recently completed painting, I have learned that I am a person who likes to take his time: I began the […]

Should We Tax the Rich?

The central tenet of Obama’s economic platform is to raise marginal rates on the wealthiest 2% of Americans. There are many reasons why this may or may not be a good idea, or a “fair” one…. but let’s just assume that it is, and it was implemented. Below is a thought experiment that examines whether […]

How I Know Benjamin Harrison From A Fellow Miami Alum.

 How I Know Benjamin Harrison From A Fellow Miami Alum. It was a fall morning in Oxford, and as I strode along the Slant Walk the Beta Bells rang out nine times in the chilly November air, indicating I was going to be a few minutes late to my morning class. Just a few short years […]

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